Discover the significance of the Double Happiness Symbol (囍) in traditional Chinese weddings and its role in symbolizing marital bliss. But do you know that there are some prohibitions and rules in sticking ‘Double Happiness Symbol’?
The Prohibitions in sticking ‘Double Happiness Symbol’
Understanding the irreversible
Discover the fascinating traditions behind the ‘Luck’ (福) and ‘Double Happiness’ (囍) symbols during the festive Chinese New Year celebrations.

The order of sticking
In the man’s house, the double happiness symbol should be stuck from the outside of the house to the inside of the house representing the daughter in law entering the house. On the other hand, in the woman’s house, it should be stuck from the inside to the outside of the house representing sending a daughter to get married.
The amount to stick
In Chinese tradition, the odd numbers are unlucky while the even numbers are auspicious. Therefore, one of the rules in sticking ‘Double Happiness Symbol’ are the symbol must be stuck in pairs or in an even number.

Do not rush to remove
It is advisable that you do not take off the double happiness symbol on the next day of your marriage because it brings the meaning of happiness and good luck, taking off the symbol means throwing away your joy. Hence, it is better to wait for it to fall naturally, or wait a month or two before tearing it off.
The Tips in sticking ‘Double Happiness Symbol’
When to stick?
Usually, the double happiness symbol will be stuck in the morning of the day before the wedding but it depends on your family’s custom as well. Some of them will stick it in the morning when the bride returns after marriage.
Where to stick?
Normally, there will be 4 stickers in the corridor, 4 stickers at the gate, 2 stickers in the living room, 2 stickers on the bedroom door, 2 stickers on the bed, and 2 stickers on the bedroom window. In other places such as wedding cars, it depends on the situation, and there is no uniform requirement. Do note that different areas may have different customs, so it is better to discuss with your family.

How if there are other else’s symbol
Do not tear off the symbol that was posted by others. If you have a collision with someone else’s marriage, you can cover it with a bigger symbol, which means ‘happy plus happy’.
Must stick strongly
It has a bad meaning if the symbol is dropped during the wedding. Thus, the symbol must stick strongly. However, if the symbol is dropped, do not stick it back again because it represents remarry.