Everyone probably knows what medical check up is but do you know premarital screening? Premarital health screening is one of the many decisions that must be made prior to marriage. It is crucial to do so in order to better prepare the couple for their future together. Let’s get to know about premarital screening and plan for the test with your partner now.
What is premarital testing?
Premarital testing serves as a health body check up for soon-to-wedding couples. During these checks, one might take a number of clinical tests to screen for both existing and prospective future health issues.

Why need to have premarital testing?
- The test could help to prevent any risk of transmitting any disease to each other and their children.
- Through the test, it might alert couples to potential issues if they decide to have children later on. For instance, the early detection of inherited problems can give couples crucial information to help them decide how to prevent hereditary conditions.
- In addition, it helps you to understand the health condition of your partner so that it will be easier for the two of you to better look after one another

What are the required premarital screening tests in Malaysia?
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test is presently the only premarital examination that is necessary in Malaysia. This is relevant to Muslim couples, who must formally submit the results of their HIV testing before getting married. However, HIV testing before marriage is advised for all individuals, despite it is only necessary for the Muslim couples.
What test is included in premarital screening in Malaysia?
- General tests: To offer fundamental details on one’s overall health, such as body mass index (BMI), height, weight, and blood pressure.
- Blood screening: To evaluate general health, which will do the blood type testing (ABO and Rhesus tests), and screen for blood abnormalities (such as thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, etc.).
- Hepatitis screening: To find out if your partner is hepatitis B or C positive.
- Sexual health screening: To determine whether any sexually transmitted infections (STDs) are present.